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35th Anniversary (HARDCOVER) Collector's Edition35th Anniversary (HARDCOVER) Collector's Edition
35th Anniversary (PAPERBACK) Collector's Edition35th Anniversary (PAPERBACK) Collector's Edition
They Came Before Columbus - HARDCOVERThey Came Before Columbus - HARDCOVER

Van Sertima reveals to us a compelling, dramatic and superbly detailed documentation of the presence and legacy of black Africans in ancient America.

They Came Before Columbus - PAPERBACKThey Came Before Columbus - PAPERBACK

Van Sertima reveals to us a compelling, dramatic and superbly detailed documentation of the presence and legacy of black Africans in ancient America.

Early America Revisited - PaperbackEarly America Revisited - Paperback

Van Sertima makes it plain that Early America Revisited is more than a stack of evidence about the physical presence of Africans in pre-Columbian America, it is the study of how two peoples and cultures can lead to cross fertilization.

African Presence in Early America - PaperbackAfrican Presence in Early America - Paperback

In this collective work,
Van Sertima is joined by half a dozen other colleagues.  The work focuses largely on contact between Africa and America towards the close of the Bronze Age (circa 948-680 B.C.) and the Mandingo-Songhay trading voyages (from early fourteenth to late fifteenth century).

African Presence in Early Asia - Paperback.     Out of StockAfrican Presence in Early Asia - Paperback.     Out of Stock

Who are the blacks of Asia?  What have they done?  What are they doing now?  This volume seeks to answer these questions and to reunite a family too long separated.

African Presence in Early Europe - Paperback.      OUT OF STOCK

African Presence in Early Europe - Paperback.      OUT OF STOCK
This book places into perspective the role of the African in world civilization, in particular, his little known contributions to the advancement of Europe.
Blacks in Science: ancient and modern - PaperbackBlacks in Science: ancient and modern - Paperback

This book draws on the latest researches to show that Africa had an impressive scientific tradition in certain centers and historical periods.The book also deals with African-American inventions, especially in the fields of telecommunications, space, and nuclear science.

Black Women in Antiquity - PaperbackBlack Women in Antiquity - Paperback


This volume provides an overview of the black queens, madonnas and goddesses who                                     dominated the history and                                             imagination of ancient times.

Egypt: Child of Africa - PaperbackEgypt: Child of Africa - Paperback

This issue seeks to answer two questions:  First, whether ancient Egyptians were predominantly African or Africoid in a physical sense during the major native dynasties before the invasions ...

Egypt Revisited - PaperbackEgypt Revisited - Paperback

Basil Davidson and Cheikh Anta Diop, present the evidence which establishes the African claim to a physical and cultural predominance in the classical Egyptian dynasties.

Golden Age of the Moor - Paperback Golden Age of the Moor - Paperback

Due to extensive presale orders we will start another round of presale orders next month on posted date

This work examines the debt owed by Europe to the Moors for the Renaissance and the significant role played by the African in the Muslim invasions of the Iberian peninsula. 

Great African Thinkers (Cheikh Anta Diop) - PaperbackGreat African Thinkers (Cheikh Anta Diop) - Paperback

This book reviews the life and thought of an African who has left a major impact upon the world.

Great Black Leaders: ancient and modern - PaperbackGreat Black Leaders: ancient and modern - Paperback

Any selection of leaders, whatever the criteria, is inherently subjective ... Leaders from a number of historical epochs were selected and Van Sertima has also included material on outstanding women leaders ...




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